In Search of a Japanese Rhetoric: an alternative view

Robert Wichert


Rhetoric, according to Aristotle, is the use of all available means of persuasion. It has been argued that the Japanese people do not possess a rhetorical tradition, lacking a tradition of persuasive discourse and not teaching persuasion in schools and universities. This paper explores Japanese history and culture in search of evidence for the teaching of persuasive discourse in Japan. Japanese sources are used almost exclusively. Education, religion, mass media, and business are all investigated. The renegade 20th century Japanese champions of Western style rhetoric in Japan are discussed. The unique phenomenon of Japanese business people switching to English for the purpose of business negotiations with Westerners is illustrated and described. Some Japanese people have been very successful at inter-cultural communication. Cultural reasons for their success are discussed. Western failures to learn from these successes are also investigated.


Japanese Communication

Japanese Rhetorics


Religious Persuasive Preaching

In Comparison To Other Eastern Cultures



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  2. Midooka, Kiyoshi. "Characteristics of Japanese - Style Communication" Media, Culture and Society v12 (1990): p477-489.GoBack
  3. Ibid. GoBack
  4. Ibid.GoBack
  5. Ibid.GoBack
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  13. Ibid.GoBack
  14. Ibid.GoBack
  15. Ibid.GoBack
  16. Morrison, John L. "The Absence of a Rhetorical Tradition in Japanese Culture." Western Speech V36,2 (Spring 1972) p89-102.GoBack
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